The Rocketship
Unleash the power that comes from living in alignment with who you are. Discover your authentic self, so you can lead with greater power and confidence — without feeling like an impostor or experiencing exhaustion or burnout.
All revenue generated from The Rocketship until the 31st of January 2023 will be donated to the Starship Foundation children's hospital and the Delicious Revolution campaign to plant 20,000 sunflowers on the grounds of Greenlane Clinical Centre in New Zealand.
Living life without values is like sailing a boat without a compass — you might end up adrift or somewhere you don't really want to be. Your personal values are your North Star, guiding you through life's challenges and opportunities.
The Rocketship will guide you on a fun yet powerful journey to uncover your personal values and create a plan to live them today and every day.
A unique and time-tested tool for self-discovery that has been used by thousands of leaders worldwide.
A deeply engaging process for finding the authentic leader in you that has been battle tested with leaders around the globe for over 25 years.
Here is a short list of epic transformations that thousands of leaders worldwide have reported after going through the Rocketship:

Limited offer until January 31st 2023 | All Proceeds to Charity
Here is a wall of praise from some esteemed leaders about the Rocketship

"Understanding what’s really, truly important to me has helped me make more informed decisions, take on clients and projects that align with what I care about, and allows me to prioritize my time better."
Stefan Dufgran
Product Designer | Brooklyn, NY

"Gaining clarity on my personal values has enabled me to live each day with intention. I am able to use these guiding principles as decision-making filters and ensure that my actions align with my inner compass. This has not only positively contributed to my relationships with those around me, but has also strengthened my connection to myself, as I am able to show up as my best self across various contexts.”
Clara Lachman
Advancing Health & Wellbeing | Toronto, Canada

“Knowing my values has allowed me to become more present and admit less judgement into my life, which has been a big change for me. I used to judge and dismiss quickly, which contradicted my values of compassion and learning; now, I have shifted to being present and actively listening.”
Vishal Chiripal
Director | Ahmedabad, India

Increase your confidence

Enhance your relationships

Increase your ability to inspire others around you

Reduce the stress of making the right decisions

Learn how to make values aligned decisions

Have more fun at work and in life
Limited offer until January 31st 2023 | All Proceeds to Charity

Are not open to get to know yourself better

Think you already know it all

Have a fixed mindset

Want to command and control

Don’t need to know how to grow talent

Don’t need to be creative or innovative
The Rocketship is a guide to your personal values.
It requires reflection and action. It is not designed for those who are not willing to put in the work.
Program Outline

Module 1
What are these things called values?
And what do they have to do with courage?

Module 2
The Rocketship
Discover your true self by heading to another planet! (Sometimes we need to leave home to discover ourselves…)

Module 3
The Values Equation
I usually hate equations, but this one is a killer! Amazing…

Module 4
My Priority Values
What is wrong with my laundry list of 100 values?

Module 5
Values In Action
The little things that make the biggest difference.

Module 6
Next Steps & Bonus!
The simple values decision making tool that might surprise you (and help others)
Limited offer until January 31st 2023 | All Proceeds to Charity